“Congratulations! Things have settled, they have agreed”... my parents are more then happy. It sounds so simple. Like emancipation from an unwanted burden. Like a simple numerical equation. But it has completely left out one factor - me. And how can I, or even my parents, get right answer without that?
“No bad habits, a good career, a good family. What more do you want?”
“A man, a husband, a good companion...man who hears my voice when I speak...who understands me even when I don’t...”
But my desires are so elementary compared to ‘a good job, good family and no bad habits’ that I am ashamed to reveal them. But I have nothing to worry. No one asked me, and I am not going to tell anyone.
Until today it has always been, “they have refused”. And I had always wondered, how do they know, after seeing me for just a few minutes that I won’t do? How can they know anything about me at all?
Doubts have always plagued me- how do one look into a man or a woman in a couple of minutes? And also, that can the whole of a person be known even in entire life?
Sometimes I feel we are all destined to be strangers to one another...forever sealed in separate partitions called ‘self’.
Why am I thinking all this?
Why am I writing all this?
I don’t know.
Why had I imagined the choice was mine?
It had never been mine.
I surrender my illusions and embrace the reality...Congratulations to me! Things have settled...they have agreed.
“No bad habits, a good career, a good family. What more do you want?”
“A man, a husband, a good companion...man who hears my voice when I speak...who understands me even when I don’t...”
But my desires are so elementary compared to ‘a good job, good family and no bad habits’ that I am ashamed to reveal them. But I have nothing to worry. No one asked me, and I am not going to tell anyone.
Until today it has always been, “they have refused”. And I had always wondered, how do they know, after seeing me for just a few minutes that I won’t do? How can they know anything about me at all?
Doubts have always plagued me- how do one look into a man or a woman in a couple of minutes? And also, that can the whole of a person be known even in entire life?
Sometimes I feel we are all destined to be strangers to one another...forever sealed in separate partitions called ‘self’.
Why am I thinking all this?
Why am I writing all this?
I don’t know.
Why had I imagined the choice was mine?
It had never been mine.
I surrender my illusions and embrace the reality...Congratulations to me! Things have settled...they have agreed.
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