Wednesday, December 04, 2013


If you don’t have philosophy of life “success” then, by default, you have philosophy of life “failure”.
Anuj Aggarwal

Life is empty and meaningless – life has the meaning what you assign to it.
Landmark Forum

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.
Earl Nightingale

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal; not to people or things.

Life worth living is life worth recording!!
(You have to record your success in order to ascertain where you stand and where you are heading. In case you don’t record your life progress, then many a times you will feel “being lost”. Your (i) Goals; and (ii) position in life progress, would eradicate this feeling of “being lost”)
Anuj Aggarwal

If you are not lost, then you know where you stand… and then, at that moment itself, you can re-start moving towards your goal.
Anuj Aggarwal

More beautifully you will record your life; more beautiful your life would become (or you will appreciate the beauty / positive of life)
Anuj Aggarwal

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Brain is like Central Processing Unit (C.P.U.) and body is like a computer. Hardware is important, but software is crucial. So, always keep your brain healthy, energetic, active and positive.
Anuj Aggarwal

More often you look at your specific written goals, more focused your mind will become towards achieving it.
Anuj Aggarwal

First and foremost, start walking… then run… and after sometime you will automatically start flying. Therefore, have short and simple goals initially.
Anuj Aggarwal

Keep smiling and don’t disclose your goals even after achieving. Remember, action speaks louder than words.
Anuj Aggarwal

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My dream of an independent India…

The day child of a “rich” goes to a Government school, the Government schools will change… there will be tables to write and chairs to sit… there will be blackboard, lights and fans… there will be teachers to teach… there will be will to teach… there will be an educated India… there will be an “equal” India… there will be an independent India!!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Perfectionism vs. Averageness

“Perfection” is undoubtedly an illusion for there is scope of improvement at every stage and in every completion. Nonetheless, still there is a continuous quest for perfection. It is probably this quest for perfection which is the source of motivation, thrill & successes and also disappointments & failures as well. However, my objective of this write-up is not to encourage or discourage the spirit of perfectionism. It is in fact an attempt to answer a different, probably more important question – perfection in what?

My limited understanding and experience of little more then 25 years journey of life has made me believe that there are 6 indispensable aspects (areas of perfection) of which “life” is all about :-

1. Health
2. Education
3. Money
4. Family & Friends
5. Society
6. Spirituality

The above list is, however, not in any manner a chronological list of aspects with respect of their gravity of importance. To my believe, all the aspects are equally significant and cannot override one another when it comes to their importance in life.

Now, if that is the believe (that all the above six aspects are equally important in life), which I take it as a foundation for answering my self-asked question – “perfection in what?”, then answer unmistakably is - “perfection lies in making a balance between all the six aspect”. But this answer, then again makes me raise another further question – “will that not, indeed, be a quest for averageness?” An attempt to achieve all, without strongly focusing on one, is a task of an average doer or a failure, as commonly called.

This jugglery of questions and answers has made me visualize few imaginary situations.


If I have all the money but no health, then will I be a success?

It I have all the health but no money, then will I be a success?

If I keep working on my spiritual aspect at the cost of other 5 aspects then will I be happy?

If I have all the five aspects except for a just & decent society will I be able to survive?

If I have no education, a loving family or if any of the one aspect is missing, will I have a complete life?

Without giving a specific answer to all the above self-asked questions, which is neither warranted nor uncertain, I would conclude - if quest for perfectionism is a quest for becoming ONLY rich, ONLY spiritual, ONLY healthy or ONLY educated, then I would rather prefer becoming an average or a failure with a desire to fulfill and make a balance between all the 6 aspects. I will dare to be an average.

One who is reading may not fully, or at all, agree with my conclusion. But the reader’s approval is not always an objective of all the write-ups and the same, probably, applies to this one also. However, it goes without saying that suggestions/comments are always desirable and welcome. :P

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rocky Balboa:

“You ain’t gonna believe this...but you use to fit right here. (Rocky holds up his right hand) I’d hold you up and say to your mother, “this kid is gonna be the best kid in the world. This kid is gonna be better than anybody I ever knew”...and you grew up good and wonderful… it was great just watching you everyday… it was like a privilege.

Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world… and you did... But somewhere along the line, you changed... you stopped being let people stick a finger in your face and tell you, you're no good...and when things got hard, you started looking for something to a big shadow.

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, it's a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, nobody is gonna hit as hard as life! But it ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward… how much you can take...and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!

Now, if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth! But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!

I'm always gonna love you no matter matter what're my son, you're my're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life….

Don't forget to visit your mother…”

-written by Sylvester Stallone

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Questioning the beliefs…

Prabhu Mohan said…

ATHEIST is the one who do not believe in the presence of any omnipotent ,omnipresent and omniscient God.

Reply: If you believe, that there is no gravity, and jump from the 10th floor how crazy it will be! Your argument is like this.....non belief in God doesn't mean, there is not a God. Then, how do you know that God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient? from what source?

Anuj said…

Hi Prabhu,

If you believe there is “GOD”, who will save you and, under the same impression, you jump from the 10th floor… how crazy will that be??

Belief in God doesn’t testify the existence of GOD...

I never said GOD is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient… in case you understood it that way, then I am sorry, it is defective communication, probably, on my part…

“GOD” is a word customarily used, since time immemorial, to connote something/someone which/who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient… (The fact of the same is evident form Holy texts including Geeta, Bible, Kuran, etc…)… and it is that sense of the usage of the term “GOD” which I used in my article “yes, I am an atheist”.

I am not allergic to the term “GOD”… I can call any living/non-living being/thing as “GOD” provided it doesn’t get super-natural treatment/implications…

I do not abuse “GOD” for abusing GOD means giving an identity to something which doesn’t exist… I do not hesitate in going to Temples/Mosques/Gurudwaras as they are, in fact, generally, beautiful piece of architecture…

My reasons, amongst other, for not believing in existence of any “omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient” unit or “GOD” (term as is used in its usual parlance) are:-

1. “GOD” is a creation of weak/selfish human minds… [Weak minds- who need some imaginary support at the time of distress…. Selfish minds- who want to make innocent people fool and earn unworthy income/benefits]. “GOD” is used by oppressors to make people feel better about the distress they experience because of being poor and exploited. In other words God, which generally is the foundation for religion, is nothing but “opium of the masses”.

2. “MIRACLES”, which are generally attributed to the “deeds of GOD”, are deficiencies in the scientific knowledge of human beings and it is, in fact, a “scientific-sin” to attribute “anything unexplained” as “deed of GOD” for that becomes the real impediment in the motivation for expounding the converted reason-based-explanation behind the same…

In any case, I am not against “GOD”… and it is just a matter of belief… however, convincingly-reason-based, atleast for me!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I love you, mother," said little John.

Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on,

And he was off to the garden swing,

And left her the water and wood to bring.

"I love you, mother," said rosy Nell…

"I love you more than tongue can tell."

But she teased and pouted full half the day

Till her mother was glad when she went to play.

"I love you, mother," said little Fan…

"To-day I'll help you all I can;

How glad I am that school doesn't keep."

So she rocked the baby till it fell asleep.

Then slipping softly she took the broom

And swept the floor and dusted the room.

Busy and happy all the day was she,

Helpful and cheerful as a child should be.

"I love you, mother," again they said,

Three little children going to bed.

How do you think that mother guessed

Which of them really loved her best?


Monday, June 16, 2008

Gautam Buddha says…

Buddha’s 4 points for simple but disciplined life:

1. The world is full of sufferings and misery. It involves life, death, sickness and grief. Even pleasures are painful because they are short-lived.

2. Desires are the cause of this suffering. They entangle us in the world.

3. We can save ourselves from this misery only by curbing our desires.

4. One should tread the eight-fold path in order to curb the desires.

Eight fold path-

  1. right understanding
  2. right determination
  3. right speech
  4. right deed
  5. right livelihood
  6. right effort
  7. right awareness
  8. right thinking