Wednesday, December 04, 2013


If you don’t have philosophy of life “success” then, by default, you have philosophy of life “failure”.
Anuj Aggarwal

Life is empty and meaningless – life has the meaning what you assign to it.
Landmark Forum

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.
Earl Nightingale

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal; not to people or things.

Life worth living is life worth recording!!
(You have to record your success in order to ascertain where you stand and where you are heading. In case you don’t record your life progress, then many a times you will feel “being lost”. Your (i) Goals; and (ii) position in life progress, would eradicate this feeling of “being lost”)
Anuj Aggarwal

If you are not lost, then you know where you stand… and then, at that moment itself, you can re-start moving towards your goal.
Anuj Aggarwal

More beautifully you will record your life; more beautiful your life would become (or you will appreciate the beauty / positive of life)
Anuj Aggarwal

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Brain is like Central Processing Unit (C.P.U.) and body is like a computer. Hardware is important, but software is crucial. So, always keep your brain healthy, energetic, active and positive.
Anuj Aggarwal

More often you look at your specific written goals, more focused your mind will become towards achieving it.
Anuj Aggarwal

First and foremost, start walking… then run… and after sometime you will automatically start flying. Therefore, have short and simple goals initially.
Anuj Aggarwal

Keep smiling and don’t disclose your goals even after achieving. Remember, action speaks louder than words.
Anuj Aggarwal

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