Tuesday, April 11, 2006

“Some are more equal than others”…

Although the members of a society, group, etc appear to be equal some, in fact, get better treatment than others.
This phrase is used by one of the pigs in the book ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell:'all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.’

In spite of my conscience agreeing to the fact that this should not be done, I admit the fact that this is done … done everywhere in society … school, college, village, city, states… everywhere in this secular country.

Is there any religion or caste above humanity??? Can there be any demarcating line among the human beings that could repute a person higher or lower merely because one belongs to a particular religion or caste???

Could it make a difference to the real character of a person if he is a Hindu or Muslim or Brahmin or Baniya or Chamaar or Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe??? “Chamaar” is a word which is used as a taboo word… why???

What is this schedule caste/tribe???The only thing I know is that there are few castes/tribes that are notified by the President of India as Schedule Castes/Tribes that it considers being socially and economically backward [Articles 341 and 342 of the constitution]. Objective is just to uplift these castes/tribes socially and economically.

Is demarcation of human being necessary to serve this righteous objective??Yes!! certainly yes. But not on the basis caste or tribe. This demarcation has merely revived Casteism which the Constitution of India vigorously intended to end. Castes are anti-national; they bring about separation in social life and generate jealousy between caste and caste.

People of so-called-higher-caste treat so-called-lower-caste as beings given the body of humans but with polluted blood. [Note: “beings of polluted blood” …these are not my word. These are the word from a person belonging to so called higher caste]

Now the question of demarcation:-The demarcation of human beings is necessary to uplift the real deprived people…. people who really needs reservation. These people form a class in them selves… i.e. a class of “HAVE NOTS”. And so the demarcating line should also be purely on economic basis irrespective of any religion, caste and tribe.

Reservation :-I m not against reservation … and I m not going into the question that what percentage of seats should be reserved. Reservation is meant for uplifting the deprived and underprivileged class. It is not meant for economically sound bunch of people belonging to so-called-lower-caste (creamy layer).
Because this is a vivid fact, that although the objective of reservation is genuine and vital, the fruits of reservation are gulped by the people belonging to strong economic stand i.e. creamy layer. And people who are in fact targeted by the reservation do not get any benefit out of it.

So the only way out is CLASS demarcation and abolition of CASTE hypocrisy.


soup said...

bhaijaan....yeh kya hai??...n kyu hai???

Anuj Aggarwal said...

This is just to tell that castism is wrong na ki reservation.

Reservation agar economic basis pe hoti hai toh vo justified hai, in fact, required hai.

soup said...

oye why did u delete d rest of the posts????

Rikki Sawhney said...

You know all this ideology sounds so good. But I am starting to think in real life, it never works out that ways. India, as it says in our constitution is a secular country, but is it? What is caste, what is religion?

I stand against reservation as its based to serve only self interests of few individuals, but is that the problem, that it serves only few individuals and if it were to serve a larger section of people it would be all right?

Abhishek said...

bhaijaan a few days ago when this topic was quite hot in the news, i was thinking abt the same thing.
and ur conclution is absolutely right that reservation should be done on economic basis. but the fact of the matter is that this is easier said than done.
the fact of the matter is that everyone (atlest in the business community) lies abt their income, the motive, to evade tax. so u think that being included in the reservation quota will not induce much more false claims?
what i suppose is that the target of the reservations still are the poor but caste is a medium to identify them. i agree that it isnt fool proof but the only one practical enough to impliment.
mind u i am not stating here that i am pro or against reservation. i know reservation is necessary but how much i cant decide so i am nutral.
p.s. reply on my scrap book not here.

Anuj Aggarwal said...

@Rikki sawhney...

1. Yes, nothing like caste/religion should exist in secular India. I am also against all sorts of direct/indirect CASTE discriminations. But here my point is that demarcation is MUST for benefiting the deprived section of the society and the demarcation should be class based (economic based)

2. It is not the point of argument that whether the reservation is benefiting small or large section of society. The point is that it should benefit the one who is in need. The one in need may comprise of a very small percentage of the entire population. However in Indian context about 22-23crore population is still below the poverty line [according to the 2004-2005 findings of the National Sample Survey (NSS).]

Anuj Aggarwal said...

@ abhishek

1. Can a class-I officer (or any government servant for that matter) lie about his income? Talking about private sector, a businessman or a professional, earning much higher income then the demarcating income for reservation purpose (which has to be certainly very low), lie up to such an extent that his income (upon which the tax is paid) falls below the demarcating income??

No, they can’t.

But these people could overtly deceive the caste based reservation purpose in case they belong to any of the reserved caste.

But yes, in case of private servicing low-income group (but above demarcating income), there is scope of benefit being deviated from the target people. They could hide their income and could gulp the fruits of reservation not meant for them. But firstly, no reservation policy could be 100% foolproof. Secondly, this loophole is better then the apparent caste discrimination and mockery of reservation policy.

2.Caste is not the medium to identify the poor. It is a medium of satisfying the electors, caste based vote banks.

3. Lastly, I am replying here also so that others could also read the same.

Unknown said...

Anuj, your views on Reservation are very well-thought of and take us to the bedrock of the problem. You have very correctly identified the objective and purpose of demarcation - "to uplift the real deprived people…. People who really needs reservation. These people form a class in them selves… i.e. a class of 'HAVE NOTS'...". But are our 'worthy politicians' listening? Behind the facade social justice and equality, they've created a cesspool of ugly politicking...Resevation was supposed to be a means to an end, but their vested interests have made reservation an end in itself.

The real issue is not whether caste-based reservation should be or should not be there; the real issue is how we as a country approach this problem. No concrete and authentic database, no mass consensus....the government has FAILED MISERABLY. Mr. Arjun Singh is trying to justify the controversial quota law on the anvil of the Moily Committee Report. He says that the roadmap devised by the Moily Commitee will ensure that the rights of the general category are not tampered with. Hugh! Enough is enough...who are you trying to fool around, Mr Singh? When the very basis of arriving at the "52%" figure is per se anomalous, how can you make such hollow statements?

I have pinned all my hopes on the forthcoming decision of the Supreme Court on the impending quota law...that alone can set matters right.