Monday, August 31, 2009

Perfectionism vs. Averageness

“Perfection” is undoubtedly an illusion for there is scope of improvement at every stage and in every completion. Nonetheless, still there is a continuous quest for perfection. It is probably this quest for perfection which is the source of motivation, thrill & successes and also disappointments & failures as well. However, my objective of this write-up is not to encourage or discourage the spirit of perfectionism. It is in fact an attempt to answer a different, probably more important question – perfection in what?

My limited understanding and experience of little more then 25 years journey of life has made me believe that there are 6 indispensable aspects (areas of perfection) of which “life” is all about :-

1. Health
2. Education
3. Money
4. Family & Friends
5. Society
6. Spirituality

The above list is, however, not in any manner a chronological list of aspects with respect of their gravity of importance. To my believe, all the aspects are equally significant and cannot override one another when it comes to their importance in life.

Now, if that is the believe (that all the above six aspects are equally important in life), which I take it as a foundation for answering my self-asked question – “perfection in what?”, then answer unmistakably is - “perfection lies in making a balance between all the six aspect”. But this answer, then again makes me raise another further question – “will that not, indeed, be a quest for averageness?” An attempt to achieve all, without strongly focusing on one, is a task of an average doer or a failure, as commonly called.

This jugglery of questions and answers has made me visualize few imaginary situations.


If I have all the money but no health, then will I be a success?

It I have all the health but no money, then will I be a success?

If I keep working on my spiritual aspect at the cost of other 5 aspects then will I be happy?

If I have all the five aspects except for a just & decent society will I be able to survive?

If I have no education, a loving family or if any of the one aspect is missing, will I have a complete life?

Without giving a specific answer to all the above self-asked questions, which is neither warranted nor uncertain, I would conclude - if quest for perfectionism is a quest for becoming ONLY rich, ONLY spiritual, ONLY healthy or ONLY educated, then I would rather prefer becoming an average or a failure with a desire to fulfill and make a balance between all the 6 aspects. I will dare to be an average.

One who is reading may not fully, or at all, agree with my conclusion. But the reader’s approval is not always an objective of all the write-ups and the same, probably, applies to this one also. However, it goes without saying that suggestions/comments are always desirable and welcome. :P